
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jack el destripador

La verdadera identidad de "Jack el destripador". Entrevista al lingüista y arqueólogo, Colin Rivas.

Ha pasado más de un siglo, y la identidad del primer asesino en serie de la historia sigue siendo toda una incógnita...

Durante los años 1888 y 1889, en el londinense barrio de Whitechapel, tuvieron lugar una serie de asesinatos a prostitutas, cometidos por un misterioso asesino que se hacía llamar Jack el Destripador.

Este brutal criminal, ofrecía uvas a sus víctimas, un manjar exquisito y caro en aquella época. Con ello, se ganaba su confianza para, posteriormente, cortarles la garganta y mutilarles algunas partes de su cuerpo.

El cuerpo de policía de Londres, la Scotland Yard, le siguió la pista durante años, gracias a las innumerables cartas escritas por el psicópata, donde relataba sus confesiones y se burlaba de la penosa eficacia policial británica.

Podríamos pensar que Jack el Destripador es un asesino en serie, el primero de la historia... Sin embargo, estos asesinatos fueron baños de sangre ritualistas. Y, aunque se conoce la identidad de cinco prostitutas asesinadas, se cree que realmente fueron once víctimas, matadas cumpliendo el requisito de los votos y juramentos de la religión masónica.

Pero... ¿qué vínculos existían entre la realeza británica, la Scotland Yard y los Franco Masones?, ¿qué intereses había en el asesinato de estas prostitutas?, y lo que es más importante... ¿cuál es la verdadera identidad de este, el primer asesino en serie de la historia?





Con los periodistas Rafael Palacios y Luis Carlos Campos Escúchalo

Thursday, January 17, 2008


NAVIDAD, FALSA NAVIDAD. El lingüista y antropólogo Colin Rivas desmitifica la Navidad


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

la manipulacion de los medios

La manipulación en los medios de comunicación III

Nueva entrega de la polémica e irreverente tertulia con los periodistas Rafael Palacios y Luis Carlos Campos.


Sectas y órdenes. El ex-illuminati Gabriel López de Rojas

Sectas y órdenes. El ex-illuminati Gabriel López de Rojas nos presenta su último libro, Sectas y órdenes (Ed. Martínez Roca).


Chemtrails, estelas mortales

Chemtrails, estelas mortales. Dicen que las estelas químicas que dejan algunos aviones sobre nuestras cabezas podrían no sólo modificar nuestro comportamiento sino también el clima. ¿Conspiración real o leyenda urbana? Lo debatimos con el periodista Miguel Seguí, el investigador Colin Rivas y el científico italiano Rosario Marcianó.


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Saturday, August 25, 2007

ATLÁNTIDA: investigaciones



Con el arqueólogo y lingüista

Colin Rivas

Sunday, August 19, 2007

La conspiración del SIDA

Skulls & Bones, los más poderosos de América

Calor glacial: las mentiras del cambio climático

MK ULTRA: manipulando la mente

Los secretos del Club Bilderberg





tejido que se autorepara.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

New Atlantis Website Milenio

New Atlantis Website

New Atlantis Website a new place with History exciting and alternative.

New discoveries on Atlantis and its inhabitants in Espanha and the World

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Atlantis Discovered : Myth Or Fact?

Sci Fi Channel Series Part I (feat. Michael Tsarion)

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Many have spoken of The Atlantis Empire-at least more than 30,000 old and modern books mention an Antediluvian World. Michael Tsarion was born in Northern Ireland and is a researcher of the occult. He is an author and public speaker whose topics include symbolism, sidereal astrology and Atlantis. He is also the producer and presenter of the Origins and Oracles series which explores ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge. During the next ten years the human race is destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and destiny. As part of this discovery we have to address the overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of the Earth's human inhabitants. This is a question which should be on the mind of every living man and woman. It has been with us for millennia and it will be with the children of the future if we do not come upon the answer now.
Sci Fi Channel Series Part II

We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for too long. This was surely a mistake for, as the casualty statistics clearly testify, the institutions of religion and science have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to endure. After centuries of prevarication and criminality we can no longer afford to look to these edifices to answer the all-important conundrum of evil.
Sci Fi Channel Series Part III

But if we turn from religion and science, in this regard, does it mean that we are left in a void? Is there, perhaps, another answer to how the phenomenon of evil came into being? I believe that the answer lies in the ancient records of our forefathers and in the myths and legends of the pre- and post-diluvian epochs, that speak of the visitation of the "gods" or "angels." Several key researchers have stated that these beings were actually extra-terrestrial entities. I will address who they were, why they came here and show that after their arrival they established their main headquarters at what we now call Atlantis and from there they instigated a hybridization program lasting centuries.
Sci Fi Channel Series Part IV

Their genetic interference of the Earth Races resulted in several hybrid creatures, one of whom I will refer to as "Homo Atlantis." Each and every living "Adamic" human, of the last 10 millennia or more, is descended from this exceptional being. Every one of us has both "human" and "alien" DNA and this is exactly what we have been told in all the world's sundry myths, from the Celtic and Arthurian legends to the Ramayana and Mahabharata. It is also implied by recent scientific findings into the geological record and the biology and genetics of humans, findings which are being sequestered by those with a vested interest in maintaining the present status quo. Its greatest proof, one can argue, lies in the mysteriously destructive behavior that we, modern humans, have adopted toward our own home planet, the animal kingdom and the indigenous peoples who have lived in relative harmony with the planet.
Summary Of Atlantis Research

Michael appeared Friday, July 07, 2006 on the Sci Fi Channel special Quest for Atlantis: Startling New Secrets, hosted by The Today Show's Natalie Morales. On this show, which purports to probe the murky depths surrounding the mysterious history of the mythological continent of Atlantis, Tsarion discusses his own theories as to the origins and whereabouts of this mystical land.
(Excerpts Taken From Tsarions'Atlantis Book)

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